Our demonstrable ability to source opportunities ‘ahead of the crowd’ sets us apart from many of our competitors and our credible history of deal completions ensure we remain one of the first names on the short list for vendors and agents seeking to market assets on a more discreet or selective basis.
Our ability to create, protect and enhance asset value through a range of innovative and entrepreneurial initiatives has allowed us to consistently outperform our competitors. Our investors have come to expect the highest standard of asset management advice across all commercial property sectors, including high street retail, shopping centres, retail parks, leisure, offices, industrial and hotels. We can advise on all aspects of landlord/tenant negotiations including letting, lease renewal and lease variation on single assets to large portfolios.
HKIP provides asset management advice to both joint venture partners and third parties alike.
Typically, this involved the sourcing of opportunities, securing pre-lets or occupiers and agreeing funding packages from site preparation through to practical completion and beyond. Projects were often undertaken within joint venture partnerships.
Whilst the focus of HKIP activities has been predominantly investment related, we are involved in a range of live development led opportunities and have delivered new build, property extension, refurbishment and redevelopment solutions as part of our portfolio asset management activities.
Such connections ensure we are well placed to negotiate attractive lending terms to suit a wide range of borrower requirements and business plan demands. The team has the necessary knowledge and experience to manage the process efficiently and effectively on behalf of ourselves and our investors/partners.
The link between equity partner and asset manager ensures HKIP are intrinsically invested in every asset acquired.